(Pastor/Overseer of TFCC Johannesburg, South Africa).
Prophetess, people are getting blessed EVERYDAY because of your ministration in TFCC CHURCH, We are getting mind-blowing testimony's EVERY day from my congregation! We are looking forward to having you back with us.
This is Sister Patricia's car. You prophesied that she would get a new car and here is the confirmation! He is MOVING just as you said!
Tatyana (15 years Old)..:
~Who's that girl in the Mirror~ Prophetic Clinic:
"I know I seem like everyone else who is always saying that something changed their life. But this Clinic TRULY has.
What I experienced and what Prophetess Tisha spoke to me, honestly hit me right where I needed it MOST. I would call this breakthrough, A BREATH OF FRESH AIR!
A well-needed occasion with lots of fun, games, other young ladies and teaching. This Clinic was a GREAT reason to get out of bed... Ready for the NEXT one... THANK YOU!!"
Women's Prophetic Power Lunch.....
Prophetess Stephanie Wright (California):
"OMG... Speechless! The King definitely met us there today! Thank God for your AWESOME ministry Woman of God.. My family was truly BLESSED! It was such an honor to be one of the 10". It was absolutely DIVINE! I Love the gift of God in you! Look forward to more to come!
Stephanie Whipple:
"What an AWESOME time today with Prophetess Tisha Ricks, ma'am what a time!!! God definitely moved on our behalf, words can't express my gratitude for the invite...still "Caught Up in Him"!
Dr. Marilyn Porter (Georgia):
"AWESOME! I spoke of the Power Lunch to a friend and I expressed to her that the MOST awesome thing about the Clinic was that the spirit of COMPETITION was NOT in the building! Everyone in that room accepted and appreciated the gifts of the other women and THAT is almost unheard of. The true MIRACLE of the moment!" ~M.E.\
Michael Brown
Prophetess Tisha, That Word was on point! I needed to hear that, as I was going through a great spiritual struggle because of past pains with people in the church and family. My grandmother was a big influence on me growing up. She's not with us anymore but she always instructed us to follow God's path. I had lost a lot of passion for music as I had been raised a musician, playing in the church at a young age. Everything down to a secret addiction was EXACTLY what I am going through right now. Thank you for taking the time to encourage me and much blessings to you and your family. God Bless..
Nadeia Smith (Guyana)
Blessings! Blessings! Blessings Prophetess Tisha!!!
Greetings in the name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
Prophetess Tisha Ricks, Thank You for the incredible words You have released to Myself and Family. My Word was Overwhelming & DEEP. The presence of The Lord was so HEAVY and the Prophetic Word I received was ACCURATE and TIMELY. I Bless God for what he is doing through YOU & YOUR Ministry... Glory to His Name.
WOW, this word was so ANOINTED and POWERFUL. Just Would Like to Say Heartfelt Thank You For Your obedience... Moreso Being A Consistent Blessing To My Life. I Am Blessed & Honored for the DIVINE Connection!
Overflow Of Blessings & Prosperity!!!!
Danielle Bennett
Sometimes it so easy to let other things get in the way of our RELATIONSHIP with Jesus.
But I am thankful for blessed souls like Prophetess Tisha, to REMIND us about what can happen when we KEEP Jesus first
in our life. It can be so much more SATISFYING than earthly things. THANK YOU and God Bless you on your journey!
Dr. Ona Miller (Texas)
Woman of God, My True Sister...You have encouraged every area of my life. Your words were support with the specific details that I needed for my specific prayers that I have been praying. My heart is grateful and my mind is thankful. I am so glad to be a partner with TishaRicksMinistries. Love you dearly!
Katarina Butterfield
Prophetess Tisha, I can't believe some of the things you knew!! I was completely blown away. Thank you so much.
Danielle Bennett
Wow..Wow..Wow! Prophetess Tisha, Thank God for your answers. There were so many things you hint on that I have been struggling with and I thank God for giving you the gift to help others who are lost like I am. Thank you..I truly send more people your way.
Michael Ballard
This was so On point...This is no Joke....WOW...Praise God. Thanks so much, Prophetess Tisha!
James (India)
Extraordinarily brilliant, Prophetess! Thanks for your blessings. I have placed 9 requests so far for prophetic wisdom for myself and many of my family members. You are really chosen by God!
Jessica Malavez
The word was on point! Several areas were covered and one specifically that I was thinking about just a week ago, regarding my business, really sold me on the appropriateness of this word. Grateful!
Elnora Farmer
Thank you Prophetess Tisha!! The confirmation you provided in several areas was amazing. I honestly felt the presence of God as I reviewed the information and thank Him for these words of wisdom. You are blessed! I am just truly amazed! I immediately had tears come to my eyes because of what the Holy Spirit revealed to you... no one else would have known about my cooking passion (yes.. especially the sweets), and also the fact I just told myself last week (Thanksgiving to be exact) how much I enjoyed being in the kitchen and the peace I feel but am limited to do this often because of time constraints. And, oh my goodness.. the move! We are making early preparations to put our home on the market. I will pray on this and am hoping I am interpreting the "be still" as an emphasis on prayer and trusting in God instead of worrying and making hasty decisions. You have a true gift from God!
Thank you Prophetess Tisha!! The confirmation you provided in several areas was amazing. I honestly felt the presence of God as I reviewed the information and thank Him for these words of wisdom. You are blessed!
N. Smith
I just received my Prophetic Word. I am OVERWHELMED.... This word is TRULY confirmation... I am floored with tears... I am so shaken up as I type to you. I am trying to contain myself. I MUST say that this is by far the MOST POWERFUL Prophetic Word I have received in this season. Prophetess Tisha, Can I tell you that Your Prophecy is soooo accurate. Prophetess Tisha, I BLESS God for You and Your Ministry... Every Spoken word over my life has been manifested and some are still in the process of manifesting... Oh GLORYYYYYYYY I am humbled and I would like you to know that you can ALWAYS count on me to support your Ministry in any / EVERY way possible! I am here and I STAND in FULL Support of the Work That The Lord has called you to do. I am still shaken, after this RICH / POWERFUL Prophetic Word. Thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit. And I Love You.
Kevin Jones
Excellent! Accurate and encouraging. I would recommend Prophetess Tisha to anyone needing Prophetic Wisdom.
Azzah June
Dear Prophetess Tisha, the prophetic wisdom from God has touched my heart deeply and profoundly. The message brought tears of joy and happiness :). I really appreciate your work- highly recommend this WOG! I feel so blessed by Him.. Thank you so much!! Much love and blessings to you~
Isabel Caldwell
Prophetess Tisha, this was one of the best things I've ever heard in my entire life……thank you…….thank you…….THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I find significant relevance & value of the Prophetic Wisdom you've given to help me apply it in my practical life as well. Thankyou
Sarah Sherman
Prophetess Tisha, I know Yeshua and walk with him, many many people may say they do but you are the REAL DEAL. You are blessed! Thank you for using that blessing to bless me.
John Monroe
Wow. Amazing message! I was so glad to receive my Prophetic wisdom. I have heard in the past and now once again that I have to write a book... Book = confirmed! I am also starting to record songs, so that was also very accurate as well, lol. Everything in my prophetic word applied. I also want to thank you Prophetess Tisha for your time in prayer. All I can say is A++!!! =)
J. Zuch
Thank you again for the blessings and wisdom. Everything was very helpful and uplifting. It's interesting how you mentioned Zurich, because there is a possibility for me to travel there in the near future. Blessings to you!
Nadeia Smith
Greetings Prophetess Tisha, I just received my Prophetic Word. I am OVERWHELMED.... This word is TRULY confirmation and has brought tears to my eyes... I am so shaken up and can't even type to you. I am trying to contain myself. I MUST say that this is a TIMELY word. Prophetess Tisha, I am humbled and I promise you as long as God lendeth me Breath and giveth me srength I WILL CONTINUE to sow into your Ministry and Support the Work That The Lord has called you to do. I am shaken, and low after I have received this RICH / POWERFUL Prophetic Word. Thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit, and I Love You.
Jayakumar Garnipudi
Dear Prophetess Tisha, Greetings from India , we are enjoying with your word and we are looking forward to see you in INDIA , Blessings
From Paola
Thanks Prophetess Tisha! My mother was overjoyed. Through you, the Lord confirmed things that He had already spoken to her. It truly encouraged her... She's been through so much. And this proves that God doesn't miss a thing and is ALWAYS deeply concerned about our well being. He wants only the best for us and above all, He is faithful.
For Paola via Ramona
Thank you Prophetess Tisha for the word. I know it will bless mom! She just eats up anything that the Lord speaks to her... I mean really! The word is SPOT ON too. I want to give it to her on mother's day, so I'll leave feedback later on. Your prayerful time that you spent seeking the Lord for her is so, so truly appreciated! God bless YOU!.... pressed down, shaken together, and running over... Lol!
Apostle Willie Tolbert
Prophetess the Word was so on Point! Its already began to manifest! To God be the Glory!!! Thank you for your obedience for such a Pure Word!
Prophetess Iris L Jones
All I can say is Thank You! Your words from the LORD were so on point until I knew exactly what situations that God was speaking to. Thank you for your obedience and I thank God for your accuracy. Prophetess Iris
Art Designer
Praise the Lord! The last word you sent me was like a comforting blanket. Bless you, Bless you Prophetess!
Mr. Brown
Wow! Something within me awoke when I read the prophetic wisdom you sent. I'm speechless......Thank You for this.
Malia Woffard
Wow! Sorry for the late response, this is truly amazing. The LORD really speaks powerfully through you!
I praise God for the word from Prophetess Tisha. She is an encourager and exhorter and truly wants to help you become whole, spirit, mind and body. She also gives good advice, good wisdom. And her sweet demeanor let's you know she truly cares and loves God. Thank you.
Malia Woffard
What a blessing! I received my personal word from her yesterday and it really helped me get my focus back. I got hit with a heavy trial about a month ago. I really allowed my eyes to be more focused on that, than on Jesus. So much confession set in, it was crazy. Her connection to the Holy Spirit, shed light on that. So, I was able to act quick and get my focus in the right place! I am also an editor for http://www.eloquentwoman.com/magazine/ and I am looking for intercessors of a prophetic nature! I now consider Tisha, part of the team. Thank you so much, Tisha!
Victor Kauffman
The prophetic word that Prophetess Tisha gave me was right on target. It was exactly what I needed to hear. Thankyou, Thankyou..

2010 - present
2010 - present